On Saturday, January 21, join Sholem members and friends marching in solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington and with marches all around the country. We march to protect our rights, our safety, our health, and our families – recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.
We march to honor the champions of human rights, dignity, and justice who have come before us. We join in diversity to show our presence in numbers too great to ignore. We march with the understanding that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.
We support the advocacy and resistance movements that reflect our multiple and intersecting identities. We work peacefully while recognizing there is no true peace without justice and equality for all.
DATE: Saturday, January 21
SHOLEM MEETING PLACE: Lindley Place (see map below) — an alley-like area right next to the 5th and Hill Pershing Square exit of the Metro.
We encourage everyone to REGISTER for the march in Los Angeles.
Registering will help the organizers know how many people to expect. Once registered, you will receive additional information about the march.
MARCH ROUTE: Pershing Square to City Hall
We encourage everyone to take public transit.
Our meeting site (Lindley Place, see above) is near the 5th and Hill Pershing Square exit of the Red and Purple lines. It is also easily accessed from the Expo line stop at 7th and Figueroa (exit at the 7th and Flower exit, walk 5 blocks east to Hill and and 1-2 blocks north to 5th).
Check the Metro website for basics about getting places by bus or rail.
Make sure each rider already has a Tap Card before march day so you won’t have to wait in long lines.
Use this ‘beta’ tool to plan your trip (the ‘trip planner’ standard on the Metro website is not helpful). There is also a smartphone app for Metro, which people can download for iPhone or Androids at: https://www.metro.net/mobile/metro-mobile-app/
Santa Monica Big Blue Bus also offers various routes to get downtown or to the Expo Line.
If you want to drive and park downtown: http://losangeles.bestparking.com/ lets you put in day and time and find prices of many different parking lots.
Sholem colors for shirts, jackets, scarves, hats, etc. will be white and/or purple, the colors of the suffragists. The first 100 people at the meeting site will receive a Sholem sticker to wear. Check the weather forecast. There might be rain.
Sholem School kids have made signs and noisemakers for you to use. Or bring your own signs. Be creative! Use this link to create signs or to get ideas.
Be sure to bring plenty of water, snacks and lunch as it may be difficult to find food easily and inexpensively along the way. Dress in layers and don’t forget sunscreen!
If you need to reach any of the Sholem organizers before on the day of the march, contact:
Deb Klowden Mann: debthemann@gmail.com; 917-971-3857
Rana Haugen Core: ziacore@me.com; 310-463-5169
Lynn Naliboff: lg.naliboff@gmail.com, 310-367-6904
Ilene Bell: bell.ilene@gmail.com; 213-448-7997